Personalized, science-based, coaching to maximize the benefits of your training time.

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Endurance coaching

We will help you to improve your endurance by helping you to make the best use of your limited training time. We can help people in all sports and activities, including multi-day expeditions.

The biggest challenge to achieving your potential in endurance sport is making the best use of your limited time. Few can train full time. Your training has to fit around your other daily and often variable, commitments. The free published training schedule that you may be working with dictates that you should do a hard interval session tonight, but today has left you stressed out and completely drained. You intend to race in four days. Mentally, you do not want to do the session but the schedule says that you need to, and to do the race. If you don't, will you still be on track for a personal best at the end of next month? Five minutes searching the internet doesn't help. You feel that you need to discuss your training and targets with someone who understands the training, your event and the pressures of work and family. The club coach gives sessions to a squad of thirty and you aren't the star performer. You want to talk over the challenges with somone who understands the pressures and will discuss priorities to help you decide what is best.

SPCL can help. Our emphasis is on providing personalized coaching and science/evidence based advice. Coaching to us is working with you, to understand your aspirations and also your circumstances. We apply life coaching tools and techniques to help you decide on your sporting targets and to help you to overcome the challenges that day to day life throws at you to disrupt your training plans.

We have over 35 years experience in endurance training and have worked with National Event Coaches and keep abreast of the latest developments in not only Sports Science but wider aspects of physiology and psychology. We know that most people cannot devote the time to training that top class athletes do. Application of our understanding of training methods, nutrition, goal setting and mental preparation will help you to achieve your aims.

Distance is our specialty, whether it is a 5 km Park Run, duathlon, marathon, 24 hour race or multi-day Mountain Bike tour, we can help you to get the most out of your training. You don't have to compete to benefit from coaching, we can help you improve your fitness so that you can enjoy that weekend cycle ride or long distance walk in the hills with friends, without feeling physically exhausted. We have successfully provided advice to improved performance in road cycling and mountain biking, running and race walking.

If you have any questions, please create an account with a valid e-mail address, you will then be able to contact us and we will get back to you within one working day.

Further details on the coaching memberships are here.




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